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Values target: be a present & accessible parent

Kristin Helgerson Frigelj

Values challenge last night: decorate the Christmas tree with an 8 & a 6 year old who reeeeeally want full-involvement.

I truly like things neat & tidy. I love the look of a well organized tree, decorations, and overall rooms.

I won’t say that was totally lost since the kids have been around but ya know, life happens.

Like when decorating this tree.

I want it to be a happy memory. Something to look forward to each year. A tradition that is enjoyable for all of us.

And for that to happen I’ve gotta make a choice to have either micromanage the decorating or let loose & allow everyone to take part.

For me, it’s about seeing the joy in them making their own choices. Chatting about each ornament & its story.

*Cue the 6yo crying because her brother has more handmade ornaments than her & “why don’t you have more memories of me?!"

Overall, it was a successful evening & I'm glad for leaning into the value of being present with the kids to really see their joy.

Where do you fall on the decorating spectrum? Do you like to have help or is it an alone activity? Or maybe you have help and then rearrange later?!


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